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Online Textbooks

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1. Go to

2. Select Alabama as the State and then select Teacher.

3. Choose your Subject then click Enter.

4. Click on the program and then the Online Student Edition Link.

5. Type the user name and password in the appropriate spaces and click submit.

  • User Name: mac205al
  • Password: kus9axer
  • User Name: PREALG05AL
  • Password: 5af8kase
8th grade Math Course 3
  • username- MAC305AL
  • password- ph9zudra
Algebra 1
  • username-ALG1AL05
  • password: h7yusab9
  • The World and Its People Eastern Hemisphere 2005
  • Username: TWIPEAAL05
  • Password: wrac2eku

The textbook should appear in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe, you can download a free version at